




File Size

5.08 MB

Date Added

Apr 24, 2024


This image displays a collection of twelve ornately decorated banners or scroll designs, arranged in a 4x3 grid against a dark background. Each banner features unique elements and colors: 1. Top left: A red banner with a golden shield and a cross emblem at the center, adorned with small splashes or sparkles. 2. Top middle-left: A parchment-like banner with a simple, elegant border. 3. Top middle-right: A blue banner featuring a golden-bordered blue gem at the center, surrounded by a detailed frame with red curtains. 4. Top right: A purple banner with demonic wing-like adornments on the sides. 5. Second row left: A light tan banner holding a golden mask ornament at the center with wings spreading to the sides. 6. Second row middle-left: A bluish-gray banner encased in a silverish frame with blue swirls at its sides. 7. Second row middle-right: A golden banner with elegant blue borders and a heart-shaped gem encased in a golden frame. 8. Second row right: A worn-out parchment-like banner with rough edges. 9. Third row left: A red and gold banner featuring a pair of crossed swords over a small shield, set against a backdrop of gold adornments. 10. Third row middle-left: A blue banner framed in gold with a central blue gem surrounded by golden ornaments. 11. Third row middle-right: An orange banner with classic scroll designs and a central silver shield adorned with a gem. 12. Third row right: Another leather-like banner with roughly stitched borders. These banners might typically be used in graphical user interfaces for games or thematic websites, providing decorative elements for headers, titles, or other highlighting features. Each showcases a different blend of colors and details suitable for various themes like fantasy, medieval, or royal styles.

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